A Challenge to Government 2.0 Camp Attendees

Last week’s post following the Government 2.0 Camp contained my thoughts about the event – what I loved and what I want to see next year. While that post was about looking back on the event, this post is about looking ahead and building on this year’s success. The success of next year’s event will depend primarily on what this year’s attendees do between now and then. If you attended this year’s Government 2.0 Camp, I challenge you to actually do something to realize the vision of Government 2.0 over the next year.

For those of you who attended Government 2.0 Camp, I want you to stop complaining about the policies or the skeptics or the lack of time that are stopping you from doing social media. Read the ClueTrain Manifesto, Wikinomics, Groundswell, and/or Now is Gone. Search Twitter for the tag #gov20 and start clicking through to people’s Twitter accounts and blog posts. Spend some time reading what people are saying about Government 2.0, and start participating in the conversations. Identify the biggest opponent to social media in your office and schedule regular meetings with them to discuss his/her rationale against social media. Become intimately familiar with your organization’s strategic plan and develop a briefing or write a white paper advocating why social media would help your organization.

Before next year’s Government 2.0 Camp, will you be able to say that you have:

  • Sought out social media skeptics and opponents in your organization and engaged them?
  • Increased your participation in Government 2.0-related online social networks, including GovLoop?
  • Attended more events sponsored by organizations like the Social Media Club DC, AFCEA and Government 2.0 Club to meet other like-minded individuals?
  • Developed a briefing, white paper, blog post, etc. that ties the need for social media to your organizational strategy?
  • Identified and met with someone from a another agency who has been successful using social media in their organization?

For next year’s Government 2.0 Camp to be successful, we have to commit to taking action NOW. One of the things that I’m actively focusing on right now is reaching out to the IT, security, and policy folks within my organization to open up the lines of communication. In the past, I had done everything I could to avoid these conversations, but now that social media has gained some momentum internally, I’ve found that I must address and include these stakeholders and their concerns if I want to take these initiatives to the next level.  A converted detractor often becomes your biggest champion.

Let’s continue the momentum that we gained and carry it with us throughout the year so that we can build on what we learned and accomplish even more next year.

Will you accept the challenge?

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About sradick

I'm an SVP, Senior Director at BCW in Pittsburgh. Find out more about me here (https://steveradick.com/about/).

View all posts by sradick

11 Responses to “A Challenge to Government 2.0 Camp Attendees”

  1. Guest Says:

    I accept the challenge, and have already begun acting on it! 🙂

    Great call to action, Steve. Will share this with my coworkers.


  2. Guest Says:

    I accept the challenge, and have already begun acting on it! 🙂

    Great call to action, Steve. Will share this with my coworkers.


    • sradick Says:

      @Melissa – please keep me posted on your progress! Looking forward to seeing your case study presentation at next year’s Gov20camp where you detail your successes over the last year!

    • sradick Says:

      @Melissa – please keep me posted on your progress! Looking forward to seeing your case study presentation at next year’s Gov20camp where you detail your successes over the last year!

  3. meznor Says:

    I accept the challenge, and have already begun acting on it! 🙂

    Great call to action, Steve. Will share this with my coworkers.


    • sradick Says:

      @Melissa – please keep me posted on your progress! Looking forward to seeing your case study presentation at next year’s Gov20camp where you detail your successes over the last year!

  4. Andrea Baker Says:

    As I was proofreading my post that is scheduled tomorrow, I looked back at the ATOM I had included referring to blogs posted about Gov2OCamp. I just wanted to know I posed sort of the same questions about next year as well as my frank feedback of this event. So you should be seeing a track back in the morning. My post is scheduled to be live at 10am Thursday morning.

  5. Andrea Baker Says:

    As I was proofreading my post that is scheduled tomorrow, I looked back at the ATOM I had included referring to blogs posted about Gov2OCamp. I just wanted to know I posed sort of the same questions about next year as well as my frank feedback of this event. So you should be seeing a track back in the morning. My post is scheduled to be live at 10am Thursday morning.

  6. mediatechno Says:

    it will become a good news for goverment

  7. mediatechno Says:

    it will become a good news for goverment

  8. mediatechno Says:

    it will become a good news for goverment